Friday, September 2, 2016

Arignar Anna moved by Ra Ganapathi's writing of Mukthi of Adi Shankara's Mother!

Even the Rationalist, Shri Arignar Anna (Annadurai) had praised Shri Ra. Ganapathi’s way of writing. In ‘Than Varalaru Autobiography’ published by Bharathi Pathippakam, in one of the chapters, where he writes about the loss of his beloved mother, Arignar Anna refers to the serial Ra. Ganapathi was writing in Kalki.
In that particular week’s issue, in the series 'Jaya Jaya Shankara..', Ra Ganapathi had written in a poignant manner about the demise of Adi Shankara’s mother Aryambal and Shankara’s sorrow.
Arignar Anna wrote that he was moved by the writing, especially when he had lost his own Mother at that point of time.
Incidentally, Anna was born in Kanchi! :)))
*****Arignar Anna was a famous Writer, Orator, Politician and was former Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu from 1967 to 1969. He was just two years in Office when he passed away due to cancer. He is seen in the middle picture.
Ra Ganapathi Anna, of course, is the Voice of our Mother Kanchi Mahaperiyava and is seen in the last picture.
Here is a Painting of Adishankara's Mother and Father and the newly born Adi Shankara. 

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