We went to Kanchi mutt on June 28, 2014 and had darshan of HH Bala Periyava. We had participated in the pooja performed by our Bala Periyava. One mutt devotee distributed the above paper containing prayers to almost a crowd of 200 while the pooja was on and we chanted this for the sake of rain. The devotee requested everyone to chant the prayer whole heartedly and sincerely pray for rain. Until 1.30 pm there was no sign of even a single drop of water and the temperature was around 38 degrees Celsius. No doubt the mantras have the power of bringing our wishes to reality, that too when chanted before our Acharya it has double effect. Believe it or not, rain started to pour at 1.40 pm and heavy rain lasted for 3 hours! Please distribute this prayer to all and chant for rain.
Narrated beautifully by Sri. Kalpoondi Ranganathan Gangadharan.
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