Swasthi (from the Sanskrit words su + asti = well + being (सु + अस्ति = स्वस्ति) means prosperity, auspiciousness, well being. These mantras are usually chanted in the beginning of any religious function, praying to usher prosperity and well being. The word 'Swasthi' appears from the time of the ancient Vedas and Upanishads. It is found in many shAnti-pATha-s (शान्ति-पाठ), including e.g. in the Mudaka Upanishad (muNDaka-upaniShad मुण्डक-उपनिषद्) -
May we hear good with the ears, and see good with the eyes. May our body be strong and healthy, may we sing praises. Indra, who is well-praised, is good for/to us. Pusha (pooShaa, pUShA, पूषा), the all knowing, is good for/to us. Tarkshya (tArkShya, तार्क्ष्य), the all saving is good for/to us. Brihaspati (bRihaspati, बृहस्पति) is good for/to us. Let there be three fold peace.
Here the word 'swasthi' is used four times, in lines 3 and 4, as the first word of each half - स्वस्ति
The above is courtesy of http://blog.practicalsanskrit.com/
Have classified Swasthi Vachanams into these broad categories:
A) Swasthi Vachanam mantras for Agnihothram/Havan
Om agni meede purohitam
yajyasya deva-mrit-wijam.
Hotaaram ratna-dhaatamam.
Om sa nah piteva soonave
agne soopaa-yano bhava.
Sachas-waa nah swastaye.
Om swasti no mimeetaam-ashwinaa bhagah
swasti dev-yaditir anar-vanah.
Swasti pooshaa asuro dadhaatu nah
swasti dyaawaa prithivee suche-tunaa.
Om swastaye vaayu-mupa bravaa-mahai
somam swasti bhuwa-nasya yas patih.
Brihaspatim sarvaganam swastaye
swastaya aadit-yaaso bhawantu nah.
Om vishwe devaa no adyaa swastaye
vaish-waa-naro vasu-ragnih swastaye.
Devaa avantu ribhawah swastaye
swasti no rudrah paat-wam-hasah.
Om swasti mitraa varunaa
swasti pathye revati.
Swasti na indrash chaag-nish cha
swasti no adite kridhi.
Om swasti panthaam anucharema
sooryaa chandra-masaa viva.
Punar dada-taagh-nataa
jaana-taa sanga-memahi.
The complete recital can be heard here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vMpvpswvZpM
The above is courtesy of http://theheartofthesun.com
B) They are Shanthi Mantras too.
ॐ स्वस्ति न इंद्रो वृद्धश्रवाः स्वस्ति नः पूषा विश्ववेदाः ।
स्वस्ति नस्तार्क्ष्यो अरिष्ट्टनेमिः स्वस्ति नो बृहस्पतिर्दधातु ॥
द्यौः शांतिः अंतरिक्षगुं शांतिः पृथिवी शांतिरापः
शांतिरोषधयः शांतिः। वनस्पतयः शांतिर्विश्वे देवाः
शांतिर्ब्रह्म शांतिः सर्वगुं शांतिः शांतिरेव शांति सा
मा शांतिरेधि। यतो यतः समिहसे ततो नो अभयं कुरु ।
शंन्नः कुरु प्राजाभ्यो अभयं नः पशुभ्यः। सुशांतिर्भवतु ॥
ॐ सिद्धि बुद्धि सहिताय श्री मन्ममहागणाधिपतये नमः ॥
All the mantras of Swasti vachan pray for the well being (Kalyan) of the world and exhort that peace should prevail upon the earth and the Universe. Oh God, let your eight elements viz. the heavens, space, earth, water medicines, flora, Vishvay Deva and Brahma spread peace in the Universe and ensure the well being of all.
ॐ स्वस्ति न इंद्रो वृद्धश्रवाः स्वस्ति नः पूषा विश्ववेदाः ।
स्वस्ति नस्तार्क्ष्यो अरिष्ट्टनेमिः स्वस्ति नो बृहस्पतिर्दधातु ॥
द्यौः शांतिः अंतरिक्षगुं शांतिः पृथिवी शांतिरापः
शांतिरोषधयः शांतिः। वनस्पतयः शांतिर्विश्वे देवाः
शांतिर्ब्रह्म शांतिः सर्वगुं शांतिः शांतिरेव शांति सा
मा शांतिरेधि। यतो यतः समिहसे ततो नो अभयं कुरु ।
शंन्नः कुरु प्राजाभ्यो अभयं नः पशुभ्यः। सुशांतिर्भवतु ॥
ॐ सिद्धि बुद्धि सहिताय श्री मन्ममहागणाधिपतये नमः ॥
All the mantras of Swasti vachan pray for the well being (Kalyan) of the world and exhort that peace should prevail upon the earth and the Universe. Oh God, let your eight elements viz. the heavens, space, earth, water medicines, flora, Vishvay Deva and Brahma spread peace in the Universe and ensure the well being of all.
Om bhadram karnebhih shrunuyaama devaah
Bhadram pashyemaakshabhiryajatraah
Vyashema devahitam yadaayuh
Swasti na indro vridhashravaah
Swasti nah pooshaa vishwavedaah
Swasti nastaarkshyo arishtanemih
Swasti no brihaspatir dadhaatu.
Om shantih, shantih, shantih!
Bhadram pashyemaakshabhiryajatraah
Vyashema devahitam yadaayuh
Swasti na indro vridhashravaah
Swasti nah pooshaa vishwavedaah
Swasti nastaarkshyo arishtanemih
Swasti no brihaspatir dadhaatu.
Om shantih, shantih, shantih!
Om, O worshipful ones, may our ears hear what is good and auspicious! May we see what is auspicious! May we sing your praise, live our allotted span of life in perfect health and strength! May Indra (who is) extolled in the scriptures, Pushan, the all-knowing Trakshya, who saves from all harm, and Brihaspati who protects our spiritual lustre, vouchsafe prosperity in our study of the scriptures and the practice of the truths contained therein! Om peace, peace, peace!
Om sarveshaam swastir bhavatu
Sarveshaam shantir bhavatu
Sarveshaam poornam bhavatu
Sarveshaam mangalam bhavatu
Sarve bhavantu sukhinah
Sarve santu niraamayaah
Sarve bhadraani pashyantu
Maakaschit duhkha bhaag bhavet
Sarveshaam shantir bhavatu
Sarveshaam poornam bhavatu
Sarveshaam mangalam bhavatu
Sarve bhavantu sukhinah
Sarve santu niraamayaah
Sarve bhadraani pashyantu
Maakaschit duhkha bhaag bhavet
Auspiciousness (swasti) be unto all; peace (shanti) be unto all;
fullness (poornam) be unto all; prosperity (mangalam) be unto all.
May all be happy! (sukhinah)
May all be free from disabilities! (niraamayaah)
May all look (pashyantu)to the good of others!
May none suffer from sorrow! (duhkha)
fullness (poornam) be unto all; prosperity (mangalam) be unto all.
May all be happy! (sukhinah)
May all be free from disabilities! (niraamayaah)
May all look (pashyantu)to the good of others!
May none suffer from sorrow! (duhkha)
The above two Shanthi Mantras are courtesy of Sri Swami Shivananda of The Divine Life Society, Rishikesh and were posted in Sage of Kanchi group in Facebook by Shri C.S. Ramachandran. Many thanks to him.
C) Swasthi Vachanam is also chanted as Guru Vandanam in the presence of Gurus.
Swasthi Vachanam for Kanchi Acharyas
In Sanskrit
In English
Sri kAnchi kAmakOti peetAthipathi jagad guru
Sri snkarAchArya sri charaNayO: praNAmA: I
Sri gurubhyO nama:
Sri mahA tripurasundari samEta sri chandramouleeswarAya nama: I
Swasti srimad akila bhoomaNdalAlankAra
-trayas-trimsat kOti- dEvatA sEvita
- sri kAmAkshi dEvi sanAtha- srimad EkAmranAtha
- sri mahAdEvee sanAtha- sri hasti girinAtha
- sAkshatkAra- paramAdhishtAna-satyavrata nAmAnkita
- kanchee divya kshEtrE
- sAradA mata susthitAnAm ,
Sri snkarAchArya sri charaNayO: praNAmA: I
Sri gurubhyO nama:
Sri mahA tripurasundari samEta sri chandramouleeswarAya nama: I
Swasti srimad akila bhoomaNdalAlankAra
-trayas-trimsat kOti- dEvatA sEvita
- sri kAmAkshi dEvi sanAtha- srimad EkAmranAtha
- sri mahAdEvee sanAtha- sri hasti girinAtha
- sAkshatkAra- paramAdhishtAna-satyavrata nAmAnkita
- kanchee divya kshEtrE
- sAradA mata susthitAnAm ,
Atulita sudhArasa mAdhurya- kamalAsana kAminee
tundilita-maneeshi maNdalAnAm,
tundilita-maneeshi maNdalAnAm,
-sakala bhuvana charka pratishtApaka
- sri charka pratishtA vikkyAta- yasOlankrutAnAm,
-sri jagad guru srimach chankara bhagavad pAdA chAryANAm,
adhishtAnE simhAsanAbhishikta srimach chandrasEkharEndra sarasvati
antEvAsivarya srimaj jayEndra sarasvati sreepAdAnAm,
tadantEvAsi varya srimach chankara vijayEndra sarasvati sreepAdAnAm
cha charaNa nalinayO: saprashrayam sAnjali badhdham cha namas kurma:
guravE sarva lOkAnAm bhishajE bhavarOgiNAm
nidhayE sarva vidyAnAm dakshiNA moortayE nama: I
gurur brahmA gurur Vishnu: gurur dEvO mahEshvara:
guru sAkshAt param brahma tasmai sri guravE nama: II
Courtesy of http://www.kamakoti.org
In Tamil
Thanks a ton to Shri Suresh Krishnamoorthy who had posted this Tamil version in Sage of Kanchi group in Facebook many months back.
Recital can be accessed here:
Thanks a bunch to Vidya for running them by me.
Here is an interesting anecdote from kamakoti.org:சம'த்தோடு சேர்ந்த நிலைதான் 'சாந்தி' : 'தம'த்தோடு சேர்நத் நிலை 'தாந்தி எனப்படும். இப்போது 'சாந்தி' என்ற வார்த்த நம் எல்லோர்க்கும் தெரிகிறது. 'தாந்தி' என்ற வார்த்தை அவ்வளவாகத் தெரியாது. மடத்து ஸ்வஸ்தி வசனம் தெரிந்தவர்களானால், அதிலே ஆசார்யாளைச் சொல்கிறபோது 'சாந்தி தாந்தி பூம்நாம்' என்று வருவதை கவனித்திருப்பீர்கள். "ஷட்பதீ" ஸ்தோத்ரத்தில் பகவத்பாதாள் பகவானிடம் சாந்தி, தாந்தி இரண்டையும் ப்ரார்த்திக்கிறார்.
Here is an interesting anecdote from kamakoti.org:சம'த்தோடு சேர்ந்த நிலைதான் 'சாந்தி' : 'தம'த்தோடு சேர்நத் நிலை 'தாந்தி எனப்படும். இப்போது 'சாந்தி' என்ற வார்த்த நம் எல்லோர்க்கும் தெரிகிறது. 'தாந்தி' என்ற வார்த்தை அவ்வளவாகத் தெரியாது. மடத்து ஸ்வஸ்தி வசனம் தெரிந்தவர்களானால், அதிலே ஆசார்யாளைச் சொல்கிறபோது 'சாந்தி தாந்தி பூம்நாம்' என்று வருவதை கவனித்திருப்பீர்கள். "ஷட்பதீ" ஸ்தோத்ரத்தில் பகவத்பாதாள் பகவானிடம் சாந்தி, தாந்தி இரண்டையும் ப்ரார்த்திக்கிறார்.
Here is the lovely Swasthi Vachanam recital for Sringeri Acharyas:
Thanks a ton to Shri Mohan Ramiah for sharing it with me.
Swasthi Vachanam mantras are regularly chanted in marriages to bestow prosperity on the newly married couple. Priests chanted these mantras even from days of Lord Rama's time and beyond as can be seen from the below anecdotes:
ராக்ஷஸர்களை வதம் செய்து, ராஜ்யத்தை அடைந்து ராமர் அயோத்தியில் இருந்த பொழுது, முனிவர்கள் வாழ்த்துச் சொல்ல வந்தார்கள். கௌசிகர், யவக்ரீதன், கார்க்யன், காலவர், கண்வர், மேதாதி புத்ரன், இவர்கள் கிழக்கு திசையிலிருந்து வந்தார்கள். ஸ்வஸ்தி வாசகம் சொல்லியபடி ஆத்ரேயர், பகவான் நமுசி, ப்ரமுசி, அகஸ்தியர், அத்ரி பகவான், சுமுக, விமுகர் இவர்கள் அகஸ்தியருடன் தென் திசையிலிருந்து வந்தார்கள்.
courtesy of http://janakikrishnan.wordpress.com/
Dasaratha’s announcement was received with a joyous uproar. He had to wait until the sound died down and then he asked Vasistha’s advice for organising the ceremony.
And just as our brahmin priests advise us today, Vasishta too gave a list of things necessary.
“Please arrange by early morning tomorrow, in the king’s palace, in the place set aside for sacred fire,gold and other metals, precious gems, articles of worship (balin), also herbs, garlands of white flowers, roasted corn, honey and clarified butter in separate containers, fresh clothes, chariot weapons of every kind, an army of four divisions, an elephant possessing auspicious marks, white fans made of Yak’s hair, a standard, white parasol, a hundred golden vessels shining like lustre of fire, bull with horns plaited in gold and complete tiger skin.”
He asked them to use sandalwood, flowers and incense to make the city fragrant. He asked for rice to be cooked with curds and milk in large quantities to feed a hundred, thousand brahmins. Brahmins had to be invited for the स्वस्तिवाचनम्, utterance of the word svasti – may good happen, as soon as the sun arose. Flags had to be flown and the highways needed to be sprinkled with fragrant water.
Well dressed Entertainers, Alert and Armed soldiers, Suitable people bearing garlands, gifts and food had to be stationed at the appropriate places – the king’s apartments, gates and temples.
Vamadeva and Vasishtha informed the king of other arrangements to be made also and then went ahead and made the arrangements. Then they came back and intimated that all the arrangements were made.
Dasaratha then sent Sumantra to bring Sri Rama in a chariot.
courtesy of http://ancientindians.wordpress.com/
This informative post would not have been possible, but for the spark of inspiration planted in
me by Vidya to dig up the world wide web and compile and collate the necessary material. So a huge thanks to her!
me by Vidya to dig up the world wide web and compile and collate the necessary material. So a huge thanks to her!